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Cyber Wellness 3
Monday, December 13, 2010 @ 9:49 PM

Today and On-line Resource :

  • Shopping online is dangers. You might not know the other party is trying to seal you card information.
  • Protact your personal information online as there are online theif that seal you information and act like you.
  • Cyber crime can be any where through online.
  • Set your account to private so only friend that you approve then can view your profile.
  • DO NOT share too many infomation about yourself online. As you might just turn up to their prey.

Cyber Wellness 2
Friday, December 10, 2010 @ 7:15 AM

The cyber criminals constitute of various groups/ category.

1. Various cyber crimes that has been committed.

- Unauthorized access to computer systems or networks / Hacking

- Theft of information contained in electronic form

- Email bombing

- Web jacking

- Trojan attacks

2. Various penalties for various cyber crimes.

- Identity Theft penalties for this crime can include a fine, forfeiture of property and a maximum prison term of 15 years.

- Spam penalties for sending spam can vary from a fine, imprisonment for up to 5 years or both.


Cyber Wellness 1

1. Describe different types of internet addction
1. Cyber sexual addiction - irresistible impulse to porn sites and cyber make-up.
2. Virtual dating addiction - a grate quantity of internet friends.
3. Obtrusive need of Internet - online gaming, shopping.
4. Obtrusive web-surfing - endless internet searching.
5. PC addiction - obtrusive gaming.

2. List the sympton of internet addiction.
1. Using online services everyday without any skipping.
2. Losing track of time after making a connection.
3. Going out less and less.
4. Spending less and less time on meals at home or at work, and eating in front of the monitor.
5. Denying spending too much time on the Net.
6. Others complaining of your spending too much time in front of the monitor.
7. Checking on your mailbox too many times a day.
8. Thinking you have the greatest website in the world and dying to give people your URL.
9. Logging onto the Net while already busy at work.
10. Sneaking online when spouse or family members are not at home, with a sense of relief.

3. What are the strategies to prevent internet addiction.
GET REAL: Some experts say that
the internet can become an easy, uncomplicated substitute for socializing with real, live people. Start making it a point to contact a friend or family member every day, whether on the phone or in person at a coffee shop. Make a list of people you enjoy, post it on your refrigerator, and make a checkmark next to the person's name each time you make a real contact. Once you start making connections again, you will feel less urge to feed your internet addiction.
FACE PROBLEMS:An internet addiction can be detrimental to your relationships. It can also cause other problems in your life to get worse. When you spend your time and energy on the net instead of in dealing with life, you are like an ostrich with its head in the sand. Many of us who become computer addicted are using the web as a way of avoiding problems. What are you trying to escape? Write it down. Write down one concrete thing you can do to attack your biggest problem each day.
SET INTERNET TIME: If you were giving a friend with an internet addiction advice on how much time to be on the internet each day, how much time would you recommend? Decide on a limit for yourself. When your time is up and you start rationalizing that more time is O.K., remind yourself that you get to be on again tomorrow. Turn off the computer. Go outside and take a walk.
OUT OF SIGHT: Turn the computer and monitor off completely when your internet time is up. Cover your monitor with a cloth if your computer is not portable. Put your laptop away in its case in a place where you can't see it.
HEED THIS CAUTIONARY TALE: Scroll down to "Warnings" to find something shocking about internet addiction.

Resources :

How to Prevent Internet Addiction

Thursday, November 13, 2008 @ 1:07 AM

Exercise ??
Wednesday, October 15, 2008 @ 9:03 PM

Depth of field f2.8 , f5.6 and f8.0


Exercise ?
Wednesday, September 10, 2008 @ 8:52 PM

a. picture that show empasis through selective lighting
b. picture that show emphasis through converging lines

c. picture that show emphasis through framing

d. Picture that show the rule of thirds

Sunday, September 7, 2008 @ 9:34 PM

a. Aperture f.2.8 / Shutter speed 1/15

b. Aperture f.4.0 / Shutter speed 1/8

c. Aperture f.8.0 / Shutter speed 1/2